Release Notes

v1 - Ability to work on actions with new 3rd Party Cloud API.

Version History


Notification History


Q & A

Authentication, Authorization and Definitions

In API description, three ‘location’ levels are used: Farms, Herds and Groups.

What are their definitions?

Farm/Herd/Group is virtual but location is physical definition in T4C. Farm/Herd/Group is used to define animal level settings in an hierarcy. Animals can be grouped according to some criterias (like lactation number, production status, reproduction status, etc) in T4C. So it is possible to define different robot settings according to these groups for animals. Location shows the physical position of an animal.

On which level do these locations have their official numbers (UCN, Tank, etc.)?

Herd can have UCN number in T4C. T4C does not have tank number.

On which level are the Lely exchange credentials set?

e.g. One farmer with two UCN, how many Lely credentials?

One farm can have multiple herds therefore can have multiple UCN numbers.

Preventing Double Entries

When posting a Calving, will the calves automatically be entered as animals? Or do we need to send a separate animal post for that?

There is calves attribute in calving parameter. So calves can be send in the same post and the calves will automatically be entered into T4C database as new animals.

When sending an insemination with an unknown bull, will that bull automatically be entered as a sire?

No, it will throw the following exception. “Specified sire could not be found with sire code”. So, an existing life number should be sent for insemination sire.


How do we update an existing registration through the API?

If the date matches, does it overwrite the existing one?

For almost every event saving, we first check existing event with the same date and then update it with new values if there is already one. Else a new one is added.

What about related data, such as calving data in an existing calving? Or sire info in an insemination?

Related data is also updated with the new data sent.

How do we delete a registration through the API?

e.g. reproduction registration on the wrong date

T4C API has delete methods for some events like the following. They can be used to delete registration on a wrong date. DeleteCalving(string lifeNumber, DateTime calvingDate)

Are there any ‘general’ validations?

How far back can we send data? Only for current lactation, or can we also create/edit/delete in previous lactations?

It is possible to create/edit/delete previous lactations. For previous lactations we have validations to keep data integrity. For example to delete a lactation, all the related events should also be deleted.

How about transfers?

It is possible to create/edit/delete previous transfers.

Will Lely push a notification when new data is available, so we can retrieve it?

Feed and Milk visits

Updated daily totals

Milk quality

New or updated animals or animal registrations


At the moment push notification feature is not available at cloud API side.


When setting a feed (FeedSetRobot), only a FeedNumber is used. When retrieving the feed (FeedVisits) the FeedName and NumberOfFeedType are used. When retrieving the daily totals (FeedAmounts) once again the FeedNumber.

Is FeedNumber = NumberOfFeedType? Or FeedName?

FeedNumber is the internal T4C DB id. FeedNumberOfFeedType is the number that farmer assigns while adding a feedtype. It is used on reports for feed on T4C reports. FeedName is the string name of a feed.

How can FeedVisits be mapped to Set feed amounts?

Just send FeedNumberOfFeedType and it is automatically matched with T4C DB id inside the code.


Pasture in/out = whenever an animal goes outside or back inside. Not the same as grass in/grass out!

There are (in NL) grass in and grass out transfer types.

Grass out = your cow goes to the neighbor’s field

Grass in = your neighbor’s cow goes to your field

Which transfer types correspond to these in Lely?

T4C only has Pasture in and Pasture out. For NL also in T4C, Pasture in and Pasture out transfer is used.

How about returning those animals? Which transfer types are those?

Transfer registration has three UCN. What are their definitions?

HerdUCN > Why not the same as UCN Origin? (probably related to pasture in/out registrations)

HerdUCN is the current herd number of an animal.

UCN Origin > Farm or location?

UCN number for Arrival, Birth, PastureIn, BornDead, HerdChange transfers.

UCN destination > Farm or location?

UCN number for Departure, Death, PastureOut, Slaughter transfers.
